I know that I talked about this Snap in Style jewelry before, but I just discovered the leather cuff bracelet at the Mapunapuna Ben Franklin Crafts and found the perfect southwestern style snaps to add to it. For those of you not familiar with this line of inexpensive, easy to assemble jewelry, take a good look at this photo. The leather cuff is completely finished, but you can snap off the elements and snap on others. The hair clips come as a set of two, one shown with snap on. I think I will try to figure out some way to cover the clip part as I think it is too shiny. Perhaps leather or velvet would be nice. I'll show it to you again if it turns out well. The watch (at the bottom of the photo) is nearly complete with only one more snap to add. I chose all black and white round snaps to make it a basic easy-to-match timepiece. Of course, the beauty of this jewelry is the ability to snap off and snap on pieces to suit any mood. I think this jewelry is reasonably priced. Because all it takes to make them is to snap them together, there are no excuses for those of you who are always saying, "I can't make jewelry" or "it's too expensive". Won't your friends and family be surprised if you say...."And I made it myself!"
Sounds very easy-peasy. They look great, fun to make, and wear. Have a super fun and crafty weekend.
Oooh I love those hair clips...gonna have to check them out. Wonder if a stain on them would work to turn it a bronze-ish color...hmmm the possibilities!
This is one great start for someone that is just starting to learn the art of jewelry making... Seems quite easy. TFS Lynn -
now that is something i could do.. these are so fun.. thanks for sharing..
cool, i've never dreamed of going in to jewelry, but just for fun i could see myself doing this for friends at christmas. tfs!
Wow! That is so COOL!!!! I've never seen anything like this. Really like the look of the watch...hmmm...maybe I might have to go look down the jewelry making aisle next time I visit BF...!!!
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