Last week on American Idol (one of my favorite TV shows) a contestant, Meagan Joy, was wearing a very attractive chunky necklace. While she is not my favorite performer, her Flintstone-style necklace really caught my eye. This week while watching the show again, I decided to create a similar necklace. I completed the necklace within the hour and a half length of the show. I actually took more time choosing the gemstones and silver beads for the necklace than the construction. Of course I couldn't find the exact beads that the contestant had on her necklace, but I think my combination of beads looks really good. Included in the piece are citrine (faceted yellow-brown, chrysophrase (mint green), hessonite (reddish-brown faceted), rutilated quartz (clear with golden needles) and turquoise. The other beads were purchased a long time ago so I don't remember what they are made of (maybe I never knew). Look all around you for art (TV, magazines, nature, etc.) and borrow some inspiration from it.
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