Sometimes it's difficult to know what to give a crafter for Christmas because you don't know what she already has hidden away. Craft books are always a safe choice for gifts. Who doesn't want to learn more ways to make more beautiful stuff? At this particular time recycling is very popular because of the economy and the desire to keep the world green. The book, Craftcycle by Heidi Boyd is a clever publication which will show you how to turn old box game boards into trays, chip bags into a purse, soda cans into picture frames, fuse plastic bags into a tote or many, many other unique craft projects. Not only will you feel proud to recycle normally discarded items, the crafts you can make following the instructions are really useable and attractive.
I know that I seem to always be showing you books about making cute stuffed creatures; here's another one. Bobby Dazzler's Make your Own Misfits is a sweet book that comes with patterns to make some lovable animals from discarded clothing. As you can see from the cover, the finished creatures have a Japanese toy look and although I haven't tried one yet, they seem simple to make. I know that someone on your Christmas list would love it if you made one for him/her.
If you have a friend who is always searching flea markets for vintage linen, I think that you should give her this book. It is a Mary Englebreit publication and is filled with many sweet sewing projects. I especially love the stuffed giraffe, baker's apron, tea towels and baby bibs. Even though they have a vintage look, these project still look fresh because of the ME colors used. Receiving a book like this will inspire anyone to dust off the sewing machine and get back to sewing.
The final item on my gift giving list is actually a magazine called GreenCraft by Somerset Studio. I think it is going to be a regular publication not just a special issue. Any recycler (even a beginner) would have fun making a shirtsleeve tote, felted sweater bag, computer part earrings, or broken plate jewelry. I'm sure that anyone who reads this magazine will start looking differently at what they throw into the trash, especially clothing. Why not give a friend a subscription?
Craft books are fun to give and fun to receive. Treat yourself to one today and give some new inspiration to your work. Recycle and keep our planet clean!