I can't believe that my blog site hit 500 posts! To
commemorate the event, I've decided to send a goodie bag (to each of the four commenters who sent me comments on my Wed. Jan. 18, 2012 post, the actual day of the 500th post) as a thank you for being such faithful readers of Lynn's Blog.

Whenever I have the opportunity to visit the Cheesecake Factory I can't resist ordering the
Splenda Cheesecake. It's delicious! I really don't taste a difference from the regular sugar version. Since we live so far from the nearest CF restaurant, I decided I would invent a recipe and make a low-sugar cheesecake for my husband's birthday. To make sure we didn't overindulge (it still has cream cheese and sour cream) I made a small 6" size. I started with a simple recipe that came with the
snap-lock cake pan and just replaced the sugar with
Splenda Blend (halving the measured amount in the recipe). I worked out well and I topped it with melted blueberry jam (also
Splenda Blend....shown in a previous post). I believe that serving a simple cake on elegant dishes raises the dessert to something special so I set this cheesecake on a vintage glass
cake plate and used a sterling silver server that I found on consignment in S.F. If you keep your eyes open for beautiful things, you can find them for way less than brand new department store items. Imagine the good times vintage items have been a part of and create new memories with your family. Life is meant to be enjoyed; search for the beauty that is everywhere.