Saturday, March 22, 2025

Confetti Resin Earrings

In an effort to use some of my hoarded stash of confetti, I had a light-bulb moment and decided to use them in resin molded earrings.  Since I've been thinking about what to do with a Sierra Pacific Resin Earring Kit, this seemed like the perfect project.  The kit comes with many silicon mold sheets to make a great quantity and variety of resin earrings.  It was easy to put a little Padico UV-LED resin in one of the cavities and add some confetti,  I used a small pick to spread out the confetti before adding more resin. Next I turned on the UV light and put it over the filled mold.  The UV light (from HM Ben Franklin Crafts) turns off in one minute resulting in a hard resin surface.  Before popping out the resin piece, turn over the silicon mold and light up the underside. This should harden up the backside of the earring but if not, you can light up the piece outside of the mold.  Each mold cavity has a piece to form a hole in the resin earring piece for stringing onto the earring wires.  The earring kit also comes with a generous amount of silver and gold earring parts. With simple jewelry pliers you should be able to put together dozens of earrings very quickly. As a finishing touch I applied a bit of GS-Hypo glue on the tiny decorative wire coil that is on each ear wire finding. Doing this keeps the coil and bead from sliding off the earring wire. Making earrings with confetti can be addictive (so many choices) but I'm sure you can invent your own filling for your resin earrings....candy sprinkles?  Give it a try!    

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