Sunday, March 9, 2025

Rikkuma Bear Felt Ornament

 Rikkuma is the Japanese bear character that I am very fond of so when I saw a kit to make a felt Rikkuma at HM Ben Franklin Crafts (Mapunapuna), it quickly went into my cart (along with a Sumigurashi felt kit). The Rikkuma kit had all the felt parts, thread, stuffing, instructions, and a plastic needle for sewing. It took me about an hour to sew and stuff the bear.  I am pleased and proud of the way my Rikkuma turned out.  Even though this felt Rikkuma was way larger than I had expected, I think it makes a great hanging ornament. Japanese girls must really like extra large key ring decorations because this felt Rikkuma kit came with a metal key ring. I think this felt Rikkuma could also be stuffed with dried potpourri (lavender) to make a sweet sachet.  The instructions for this kit were written in Japanese (which I can't read) but I could easily follow the step-by-step illustrations.  HM Ben Franklin Crafts in Mapunapuna (and maybe other BFCs as well) has a large assortment of Japanese craft kits.  Like me I'm sure you'll want to get several and then go back for addictive!

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