I designed this project to hide secret Halloween candy stashes. Click on the photo to see the details. It looks like a Post-it holder with a pen, but it is really a box for candy so no one will find and eat your personal office supply. I had to back the American Crafts Halloween design cardstock with another plain cardstock sheet so that it would support the Post-it pad. If you glue the two cardstocks together before cutting, you won't have to struggle to position them later. I will try to post the pattern for the box and the instructions for the project onto our website (http://www.bfcraftclub.com/) at least before Halloween. This same project can be adapted to other occasions simply by changing the cardstock and using different Dress It Up buttons. Delight a favorite teacher with one of these treat boxes. For a party favor/place card, you can place extra Post-it pads in the box instead of candy and write a guest's name on the first sheet. Happy Halloween Crafting!
TFS Lynn! that's a fabulous creation... very versatile too, like you mentioned it can be used for anything... =D hugs, Kris
Thank you very much for the gift and chocolates...mmmmm! :) I love it! Now I'll know where Carin stashes her candy...LOL! Happy Crafing & Blogging! ;)
Thank you very much for the Halloween gift and candies. It's such a cute idea. Even though Regina knows where my stash is, I might just get to her's first. And little does she know, by the time she gets to my stash, my box will be empty! LOL
Thanks again ~ Carin
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