This ring began out of frustration with a beaded flower bracelet I was trying to make. 'Trying' is the operative word because after several days of work on a piece I decided to give up. If you know me, you know I hate giving up on anything but I had only partial directions and not the right size beads.....sigh! This let down led to the creation of this funky ring. I really love the colors of the
fluorite dagger beads and I thought they looked like the spines of a sea urchin. The ring base is sort of odd and I'm not sure where it was purchased. (I'll try to find the source.) It has a cap with holes that fit on as base which is attached to the ring shank. Anyway, since the ring was silver plated I decided to use the new silver filled wire (26 gauge) sold at Ben Franklin Crafts. It was easy-
peasy to wire wrap the beads onto the ring cap and then snap it into the base. The success of this project helped to alleviate the pain of having to give up on the bracelet. "Don't focus on what could not be done, but celebrate what you have accomplished." Lynn
Love the colors Lynn!
This came out really pretty, now you will have to make matching earrings! And get a blouse or outfit to match it all )he,he)
Have a great day...
Wow, it really does look like a sea urchin! Pretty colors too!
this is beautiful. i so like big rings!!!
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