At last year's after Christmas sales I discovered some metal cookie tins for 35 cents! The cookies were dumped (horrible) and the tin saved as a perfect container for my homemade fudge. Usually my fudge is given at Xmas, but I felt like passing out goodies early this year, so I decided to make Halloween fudge and present them in decorated tins. Using Halloween washi tape (available at Ben Franklin Crafts), it was easy to whip up some attractive containers. Washi tapes come in lots of different widths so you can definitely find some to fit your tin. The tape is very forgiving and can be re-positioned over and over until you get it just right.,,no glue needed. The hardest part of this project was cutting the top circle of paper because I didn't have a 5" circle die so I had to trace the tin and trim one from a sheet of MS flocked spider paper. I added a label from my stash (to write the fudge flavor) and even decorated the bottom of the tin. I am so pleased with this recycled tin that I am planning to make some decorated Xmas cookie tins next. Upcycle everyday crafts!
Here is another Halloween tin I created for my fudge. It was a little easier to make because I found my MS 4"-12" circle cutter and the directions were still with it! Sweet! Happy, happy, happy!
A homemade spread in Penang
Few people offer to make me a home-cooked meal...usually I'm the one doing
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1 day ago
I never have tins when I want them, this is a great idea Lynn! How great that your recipients will not only have your delicious fudge but a nicely decorated tin to display on their counter.
How fun are these! Those are some lucky recipients of your Halloween fudge! :)
P/s: What a score on those tins!
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