The project I've been working on this week was inspired by a cute mini-scrapbook shaped like a purse. It was made from two envelopes which became pockets to tuck in additional photos or memorabilia. Because I have two sons, I wanted to make a project that was more visually masculine (than a handbag) so I improvised and created a suitcase. If I had large brown envelopes, I would have just used them; but it wasn't hard to make my own by deconstructing an envelope and using it as a template. Eventually, I will post the instructions for the suitcase mini-scrapbook on our Ben Franklin Craft Club site (www. bfcraftclub.com). In the meantime, I hope that you will look at other people's work for inspiration. When you put your personal touch into a project, you can inspire others, too. This mini-scrapbook took awhile to get just right, but I feel that for me the pleasure of crafting is in the journey. Once I finish a project 'trip', I take a breath of pleasure and then I'm ready to take off on another craft 'journey'!