Occasionally, friends/family give me beads and other 'stuff' that they don't want but think I can use to make 'something'. Recently, my sister 'gifted' me with two glass bead necklaces from her late mother-in-law. While they were pretty, the style was somewhat old fashioned. I decided to cut apart the inherited bead strands and incorporate the beads into zipper pulls (loop the cording through zipper tabs to make zipping up easier). Not many supplies were needed to make these zipper pulls except of course assorted beads, looped cording with attachment rings, long headpins, pliers. and metal clippers. The hardest part of creating these zipper pulls was choosing the beads and placing them in a pleasing arrangement. Everything you need can be purchased from HM Ben Franklin Crafts or Daiso. To make these zipper pulls even more special is that each one contains a bead from the necklace given to me. I plan to give my sister and her husband's family some of the zipper pulls with the hope that they will be happy to have a keepsake from Grandma Miyo. I'm sure if you are a crafter, you have a collection of mismatched, loose beads somewhere in your craft supplies. Think about using the beads to make some zipper pulls to give away or use as party favors. This type of crafting is perfect for doing in front of the TV because it takes very little concentration...basically mindless...perfect for me, the 'junk' magnet crafter. LOL!
A homemade spread in Penang
Few people offer to make me a home-cooked meal...usually I'm the one doing
the cooking. But my Penang bestie invited me over for a homemade spread two ...
1 day ago